I'm always talking about my to-do list but it's been years and years since I posted it. I used to keep a running list on my DeviantArt journals and updated it constantly. I went to the last page on my journal history and found it! You can look at this ancient bit of Pinky history by [clicking here]. 2008... what a different world, what a different life.
This may look like a case of "listing all the patterns I own" as many hoarding stitchers sympathize with. Most of these projects are intended to be gifts in some form or another with just a handful for myself. All but a small few are 'secret' gifts though, so if I never get to them there's no feeling of loss. I hope if nothing else this list allows you to reach even more wonderful patterns to stitch between working on mine!
Hannah Alexander's Ariel to be given as a gift to her
Bella Filipina's Bellatrix, but in pink and also there's wings and a dragon 'cause I'm turning her into Aerie
Princess Aerie the Fairy
She's done by an unknown artist from back when I was on Gaia Online. I ordered and paid for the art with the game currency back then, Gaia Gold. This artist was known as "Siran Lucine". There is a DeviantArt profile for this name but it hasn't been active since 2010 so I just don't know for sure.
Once she's stitched the pattern will be available for everyone.

Sailor Scout Bead Pendants as outlined [here]
Bead Agitha with wings from DragonflyGypsies
Chocolate cake from Katie Dean
Maelstrom from Stellaidoscope
Sunfox from Moontique
Perfume bottle by Sian Nolan
Princess Peach Barbie dress by BadCatDolls
Mint and Copper dress to match the pink one
Blue and Silver dress to match the pink one
Teacup Earrings
Scissor Fob
The Dreamer by Mirabilia
Pokedex by LordLibidan
Birdcage, Flower Ice Cream, Bird with Roses, Bird on half wreath, Mermaid, Girl Sewing, Girl Embroidering, and Hot Air Balloon from LittleRoomInTheAttic
Butterfly Biscornu by Durene Jones but I probably won't do it as a Biscornu or at least not in these colors
Yarn Cupcake, Xmas Cupcake, and Sewing Fairy from LoLaLotta
Xmas Baubles from GreenTerrace
Stitching Wallet and Peony biscornu by FabyReillyDesigns
Sparrow Nest biscornu by Crossed Wing Collection
Hourglass by CutePatternsByMaria
Tea Party, Santa Sleigh, Butterflies, Shabby Chic set, and Fairytale SAL from Shannon Christine
Awesome and Ph.D. from Stitchrovia
Octopus from AwesomePatternStudio
Patchwork Sewing Machine by chartsandstuff but I might drop this one, I put it on the list when I had my shop and now it's a lot less meaningful
Small bird from NonStopStitch
Strawberry Cupcake from Helena Chatte
3D Shop dealio from LivingOnTheRainbow
3D cottage from pavliinchiik
Mini Butterflies and Moths from NightSpiritStudio
Dice Bags with a flat bottom
Secret Twin Peaks Barbie project
The Queen of the Fairies, The Prosperity Fae, Holiday Queen, and The Night from Passione Ricamo
Pansy and Windflower from Luddeagle
Coat of Arms Crest from Fiddlesticks
Garden Scissor Keeper from Lorna Bateman
4 crochet shawls, though I think it's probably 3 though at this point (red, green, blue multi) from RocketgirlCrochet
Winter bunnies from Brooke's Books but I'll be doing a lot of color changes
Secluded Nest by Karen Avery
Some dresses and a cat by a door from Alyona Koshkina
PlayStation and Xbox Controllers from TheNeedleAndFloss
Stardew chickens, triforce, and pikmin from Stitchtothepast